Saturday, December 17, 2011

Five Good Reasons To Get Rid Of The Death Penalty

I believe that the death penalty is outdated and has no place in a modern society it should be eliminated.  In fact, I can give you five good reasons.   The first reason is that we primarily execute murderers.  Murder is bad, so we punish murder by murdering the murderer.  Does this make sense?  Not to me. 
The second reason is that the people who are most punished by the death penalty aren’t the convicted.  When someone dies by the death penalty they die, quick and painlessly.  Their mother, wife, kids and friends are all punished by not having the person they care for anymore.  These are most likely hard working people that have never committed a crime before (most people don’t.) 
The third reason is the most important, what if the person was misjudged.  If there is any possibility of innocence, innocence that could be condemned by a system that has had flaws in the past.  For this example one must employ empathy to actually being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Watching the little pistons go down and then you die.  Even once is once too many times.  (This has happened too, look at cases of people executed annulled by DNA evidence when it came out.)
The fourth reason is that in most biblical tests killing is condemned.  If it is true, then we are damning our executioners to hell, or whatever eternal damnation their religion of choice offers the guy who pulls the lever. 
The fifth reason contained in this essay is that, there are deep and long lasting psychological effects on the prison guards assigned to deal with the executions.  Even if they are killing scum or a murderer, it’s still a psychological nightmare for one’s conscience. 
As an alternative, I recommend using the prisoner for testing of drugs for the betterment of humanity (so at least the death serves a purpose), life imprisonment with work so that society may benefit, or finally life imprisonment with lifelong restitution payments for the family.  We live in a modern society, it’s time to act like one.     

Cancer Walks

What better way to help the world then to help fight cancer, presuming that that 17 year old didn't find the cure.  I've compiled a list of cancer walk websites for interested parties to help raise money for cancer research all the while getting some good exercise and doing good for the world.

Cancer Walks
Apparently this specifically raises money for breast cancer. (USA)
Pancreatic cancer research walk (USA)
Breast Cancer, (USA)  (PS.  Guys can get breast cancer too)
(A gigantic list of breast cancer walks in the USA)
Making Strides, Breast Cancer (USA)

Cancer Relay
Relay for life (Relay racing to raise money for cancer.)

Walks For Other Good Causes
They have a walk from everything from cancer to heart disease on this giant listing.

Cancer Walk Blog

Apparently someone has already done a good amount of research on this and can probably explain it even better then I can, check them out.

Thanks for your time and thanks for caring

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stupid humor is good for you.

Yuo Sou, sailed to the shore on his traditional Chinese junk(1) to say a final goodbye at the Geisha he so fondly admired one last time. 

"Yin, please reconsider a ride on my junk(1)," the warlord said grinning. 

The Geisha smiled at the thought and said, "Your junk(1) is certainly big." 

"Indeed it is, a full three hundred feet long and a whole 50 feet wide. My junk(1) is enormous," Sou replied. 

"I'll have to admit, while your junk(1) is big, it has junk(2) all over the bottom of it," Yin replied. 

"My junk(1), mave have junk(2) on the bottom of it and junk(3) sprawled across the top of it, but there is junk(4) to be eaten and junk(5) to be enjoyed within it. You won't get an opportunity like this again," Yuo Sou reasoned. 

"Yet, I think I'll pass," Yin replied. 

"Why?" asked Yuo. 

"Because no matter how big your junk(1) is, your junk(6) is still too small" Yin said, breaking the warlords heart. 

---------------------------------The table of Junk------------------------------ 
Junk (1): A Sea going ship of traditional Chinese design. 
Junk (2): The salt layer that builds on the bottom of a sea going ship. 
Junk (3): Garbage. 
Junk (4): Salted meat. 
Junk (5): Slang for heroin. 
Junk (6): Slang for a males private parts. 

You can find these definitions at

The Evil's of Blood Donation (Satire)

The first thing I did was donate blood.  Before you say this was kind, and selfless, think of the horrible aspects of this that came about.  I may have saved up to three lives in this act, therefore, three people who would have otherwise died without the blood.  If they had died they would have gone to heaven and lived in eternal bliss.  Through my act of 'kindness', their potentially miserable lives are to be prolonged and perhaps even amplified.

These survivors will likely have monumental hospital bills to pay, which will undoubtedly add to their suffering.  After they arrive home, they will have hours of throwing out awfully cooked, cookies, cakes and fruit baskets.

In addition to the above, their poor family members will lose out on any possibility of life insurance claims.  That same family may be further financially offset by hospital bills, or tuition that would not have had to be paid should the injured person have ascended to paradise.

Finally, with the family member alive, if they were in an accident, all rights to a lawsuit goes to them, not their family.

As you can see, blood donation is a dastardly deed.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Life Saving Competition

Life Saving Competition

There are competitions to eat cheese burgers, competitions to race down a hill, why not a competition to save the most lives?  You might be wondering, how can the average person save lives?  Well it’s actually quite easy.  You could, become a blood donor, a marrow donor (which is a sure fire way to save someone’s life.)  You could donate a kidney to that kid dying who’s own have gone bad that you find to be a match.  You could check that little box on your id saying that you’d like to become an organ donor.  You could become a volunteer fire fighter.  I plan to keep record of everyone that I get to compete. 

I am going to surmise a point system for this competition, by next year at this time, if this competition gains more than 20 people one who has the most points I will give a gift card to the person who’s a                acquired the most points.  This will be based on an honor system,

Being a designated driver is worth 1 point.
Picking up a drunken buddy is worth 2 points.
A blood donation is worth 2 points.    
A bone marrow donation is worth 5 points.
A kidney donation is worth 5 points.  
Any type of organ donation is worth 5 points.
Saving someone by any means not listed 5 points.
Giving up a dead infant for stem cell research is worth 10 points.
Becoming an organ donor is worth 10 points.

I will record what’s been done on this blog.  You can use what you’ve done in the past as well in regaurd to donations.

Corrupt, Ineffective and Unacceptable

Corrupt, Ineffective and Unacceptable
Corrupt, Ineffective, and Unacceptable, an utterance personifying the ineptitude, mindlessness and alienation from the platform of proletariat from which leaders, that were once thought to be prolific, gaze down upon to the men whose body of documents profess mutual equivalency; that very same body of documents used to suppress, distress and  invade the once inalienable rights given to mankind from the same creator that’s mused in the longwinded speeches designed to muzzle the mouths and fuddle the intellect of those they lead.  Their platforms are pitched to platform themselves atop of the mountain of supporters and voters of whom are intended to be enslaved.  Today in the year two thousand and eleven, a black president preaches against racism, while encouraging it so long as it is faced away from himself, his candidacy, and his change.
 Like the great civilizations before it America is changing, but for once, I fear it is no longer for the better.  Like the Greeks before us we fight amongst ourselves, as other nations grow and prosper at our despair.  China a nation that calls itself our ally, could very well prove to be our Macedonia.  Like Rome, America changes, but will our republic last a thousand years.  Like the Scipio Africans of Rome, I believe that now that our war in faraway lands is done, our leader should step down and return his power; hence avoiding another Julius Caesar.  This Julius Caesar is not a dictator, not this time.  This Caesar, is an oligarchy of professional governors, that deem themselves to be a necessity to our survival as a nation.
The age old expression, time is money serves to both alienate us from our oppressors who seldom work, except upon their choosing.  If time is money and money is commodity, then isn’t money power, isn’t time power?  Well, don’t you think it’s time we told Washington, time’s up?  Don’t you think it’s time we told Washington that the power is to be put in more capable hands?

Grazing our necks at each pass the pendulum swings, one percent of the population owning thirty three percent of the population’s wealth, one percent of a people as a whole owning a good portion of the population’s power; what that one percent of the population forgets, is that there’s another sixty six percent.  That sixty six percent is fully capable of putting that thirty three percent out of the congressional and senatorial offices and back into the industrial ones, devoid of power of committee and power of legislation oppression?

I am a powerless university student.  I am an author writing these words out of frustration at the economy that I will soon scrape in to find work.  I am an American.  My forefathers were the pilgrims that came to this country to avoid the very same types of oppression that we now find ourselves drowning in.  A country called Great Britain and their corrupt government officials wouldn’t let us partake in the freedoms that god gave us.  So, we got on a boat and braved the seas; traveling to a land far across that turbulent perilous ocean just to exercise these freedoms.

When we got here, we were free for a while to do as we wished.  We American’s were still British colonists.  That was at least until our countrymen broke the very bindings that they held to us.  In the very words written by the framers, that today’s politician’s use as a shield lies their key to defeat.  In the power of their declaration, one can see a mirroring of the problems of today.
They said,”  When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”
              To this I as that same University student say to our government,
You have refused laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good, for personal gain and petty notions of reelection.
You have forbidden your people’s peaceful public gatherings and met them with the acts of violence and oppression.
You have forced upon the population healthcare regulations that are mandatory while you allow yourselves to be the exception to this ‘mandatory rule’.
You have preached a government of transparency and have instead adorned a shroud of secrecy.   
You violate certain types of workers by refusing to allow them to strike, a violation of the first amendment.
You have dissolved ‘unsanctioned,’ militias and withhold from us the rights to weaponry deemed too powerful for the average man, a couple of violations of the second amendment. 
You have abolished the right of regulated search and seizure with the patriot act dissolution of the fourth amendment
You have held for timely manner citizens who allegedly made threat upon legislative bodies and detained them depriving them of liberty without a grand jury, a speedy trial, violating the fifth, sixth and seventh amendments simultaneously.
You have allegedly tortured fellow citizens with methods such as waterboarding, a punishment seemingly cruel enough and certainly unusual enough to impede upon the eighth amendment.  
You misappropriate words in order to redefine the workings of the bill of rights in many cases, specifically regarding the second amendment pertaining to militia instead of individual firearm ownership, violating the ninth Amendment. 
You have stolen our powers as individuals thought taxes, legislation and rulings as to have violated the tenth amendment.
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.

 I believe it’s time to alter that government.  I believe it’s time to put a face on the protests.  I believe the people should choose what beliefs they have faith in and put people in office, not professional governors, but to do this, we must choose amongst ourselves those who we best believe able to represent us fairly, accurately and to benefit of the people of which they are to serve.